
The UCO is an exempt charity, with a mission to make osteopathy affordable and accessible to the whole community.

Book an appointment

To make an appointment ring

020 7089 5360.

Alternatively, email us with your telephone number to request a callback to make an appointment.

Or complete the following form to request a callback.

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General clinic

Our General Clinic runs every weekday and welcomes all patients,…

UCO Associates Clinic

Associates clinic

Appointments at our Associates Clinic are delivered by qualified UCO…

Specialist clinics

Our clinics offer specialist care to specific patient groups either at the UCO Clinic or in clinics within the community.

Babies and children

Our paediatric clinics provide specialist osteopathic care for children aged…

Musculoskeletal ultrasound clinic

Our Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Clinic enables our patients to access musculoskeletal ultrasound…

Helping the Community

We offer specialist community clinics. Our 1st place babies and…

Patients with HIV osteopathy clinic

Patients with HIV

Our Blanchard and Royal Free Clinics provide osteopathic treatment to people…

T Flex Clinic

Our T-Flex clinic is here to provide specialised musculo-skeletal care…

Expectant Mothers and Women’s Health

Our Expectant Mothers and Women’s Health Clinic provides support and…

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to get naked? Who will treat me? Will my therapist be qualified? Is it safe? Find out answers to these questions and more…