Laura Morantin, Assistant Practice Educator (Thursday and Friday)
Laura graduated from IdHEO Nantes (France) in 2014 and was previously a semi-professional horse rider in eventing. Since graduating, Laura worked as an osteopath in private clinics in France, working with patients of all ages and backgrounds, from babies and toddlers to elderly patients, as well as being an osteopath for a French rugby team and for international horse riders and stunt people.
In 2017 Laura graduated from the Osteopathic Centre for Animals (OCA) in Wantage, with a PGCert in animal osteopathy. Following this Laura undertook volunteer work as a human and animal osteopath in New Zealand before returning to the UK and applying for GOsC registration. Laura originally trained in visceral and cranial osteopathy, and has since completed courses in nutrition, natural remedies and sports supplements in order to expand her knowledge and offer more help to patients. Laura is now working in London in practice and at the UCO on Thursdays and Fridays as a clinical educator.