Jeremy Jones-Bateman is an Osteopath and the UCO’s Clinic Co-ordinator and a Practice Educator and Unit Leader. Recently Jeremy successfully completed the Edinburgh half marathon and we wanted to hear all about it.

Jeremy, congratulations on completing the Edinburgh half marathon. How was it?
It was good! It was challenging but I did enjoy it and I did better on this one than my last one – I’m learning!
You’ve got into running relatively recently. Can you tell us how you got into it?
I got into running over lockdown, like lots of people really. I was looking for a new challenge and chose running as I wanted to do something that involved being outside and was easy to get into. I didn’t want something where you had to pay to be a member or involved lots of kit. The only thing you need to get for running that you may not already have, is a pair of trainers.
I spoke to a few friends who are Personal Trainers and they suggested the couch to 5k app, which was really helpful for me as it was really clear, well structured and mean’t I didn’t have to think too much about this part!
What was it like, when you first started running?
The first week I couldn’t run longer than a minute without stopping! Thankfully the app builds things up slowly and I stuck with it. It’s great to look back and see how my running has changed. If you haven’t run before, then even running for 5 mins is great, running for half an hour is a huge achievement.
You have done a half-marathon before but said the Edinburgh half-marathon went far better. What was better about it?
The Edinburgh half was my second half marathon and for my first one, I suppose part of it was not quite knowing what to expect. I ended up not stopping for water as much as should off, I listened to music, rather than soaking up the atmosphere and was checking my watch a lot, seeing what my times were. All of this mean’t that it didn’t make it as enjoyable as it could have been but it didn’t put me off, I learn’t from this and changed the way I approached the Edinburgh half and really enjoyed it.
What was different about your approach for the Edinburgh half?
I didn’t put any pressure on myself; I wanted to go out and enjoy. I made some practical changes like not listening to music on the day. I listen to music when I’m training but on the day, it’s important to soak up the atmosphere. I also made sure I took water on board at all the stations and slowed down or walked to do this and didn’t keep checking my watch. After all that I ended up with a quicker time!
Given you are an osteopath and an established runner no less, what advice would you give to people who might want to start running or jogging but aren’t sure if it’s for them or how to go about it?
Well to start with, if I can do it, anyone can! I would say to go into it to enjoy it and to take your time. There are lots of apps which are 12 week programs and if 12 weeks works for you great, but if not then stretch it out, so that you make the program work for you.
It’s important to have rest days and you can mix things up as well, with strengthening work for example. To start with, I found it helpful to keep it simple and make it work for you. Thinking about when you can make the time to go for a run, when would you enjoy it, even a short run.
What about those times when we may not feel at our most motivated and energetic?! Any tips?
I started running in the Spring and it was a great time to start. When we got to Nov/Dec, and I’m trying to go for an early morning run when it’s dark and raining, it’s easy not to! For me, I decided to sign up to some events in the Spring – 10k’s and half marathons – so that I had a goal and something to focus on. This really helped me to keep working towards these events.
Plus, even though it’s harder to get out the door for a run when it’s raining, once you are out there, it’s fine – in some ways you feel an even greater sense of achievement!
Thanks Jeremy, it’s been great to chat about this. Any final comments?
Do some stretching!
Jeremy was chatting with Francesca Wiggins, Head of Clinical Practice at UCO.