The UCO Clinic is pleased to be part of the #HelloMyNameIs campaign, putting patient-centred care at the heart of what we do.
The campaign was launched by Dr Kate Granger MBE following her cancer diagnosis, and promotes the importance of communication and human connection between healthcare professionals and patients. Some of the core values of the #HelloMyNameIs campaign are:
is of paramount importance. Timely and effective communication which is bespoke to the patient makes a huge difference and starts with a simple introduction.
The little things…
Really do matter – they aren’t little at all, they are indeed huge and of central importance in any practice of healthcare and in society. This could be someone sitting down next to you rather than looming over you or holding the door open for someone coming through.
Patient at the heart of all decisions
“No decision about me without me”. These words ring true in healthcare as the most important person is the patient and everything should be done with them in mind.
See me…
as a person first and foremost before my condition or symptoms. Individuals are more than just an illness, they are a human being, they are a family member, they are a friend etc and we should all remember to see more of an individual than just the reason they are using healthcare.
As of this week senior students and staff at the UCO Clinic will be wearing #HelloMyNameIs badges as a way of introducing themselves, and we will continue to do our best to uphold the campaign values in day-to-day practice.
If you have had a good experience at the UCO Clinic or have suggestions for further enhancements please share them with us at